Soc Takes Pod now part of Beautiful Game Network

INDIANAPOLIS and PITTSBURGH (Feb. 6, 2018) — Soc Takes and the Beautiful Game Network (BGN) are pleased to announce the Soc Takes Pod as the network’s newest member.
The BGN is one of the world’s largest collectives of soccer podcasts, already boasting a roster of a dozen shows prior to appending the Soc Takes Pod. Members of the network are provided hosting across multiple platforms and promotional assistance.
“We at the Beautiful Game Network are huge fans of the guys at Soc Takes and the amazing shows they produce,” said BGN organizer Mike Sparks. “Their outstanding interviews and insight into all levels of U.S. Soccer are world class and we can’t wait to welcome them into the BGN family. Together we’re all going to have a ton of fun and work hard to bring fans even more fantastic insight into the beautiful game.”
In addition to the pooling of resources and promotional benefits, the network also seeks out sponsorship opportunities for its members. The BGN recently landed Ruffneck Scarves as the network’s title sponsor.
Other soccer podcasts under the BGN umbrella include STL Soccer Report, The Unused Substitutes, Rising As One, The USL Show, Mon Goals, Last Word SC Radio, Tornado Alley Soccer Podcast, Back Chat, Football Foundry, Play The Kids, Raising Bulls and Pittsburgh Scholastic Soccer Show.
“The Soc Takes Pod is geeked to join the Beautiful Game Network alongside several other like-minded podcasts that we’re already fans of,” Soc Takes managing editor Kevin Johnston said. “One thing we’ve always tried to focus on is offering a diverse range of content across all levels of the U.S. pyramid. We feel the BGN is a solid fit for us because it similarly values covering a wide array of teams, leagues and topics.
“The network also delivers sublime USL coverage, and with the Indy Eleven being one of the primary clubs we cover and now in the league, it made the decision to join the BGN even easier. We’re grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the network and look forward to helping it grow.”
Beyond the weekly-produced Soc Takes Pod, covers soccer on a global scale, including all the divisions of U.S. Soccer. Founded in February 2017, the website provides a variety of content: news, features, interviews, analysis, videos, match previews and recaps.
For more information on the Beautiful Game Network and to listen to the Soc Takes Pod and the network’s other podcasts, visit
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