Exclusive: Discussions planned regarding new, unsanctioned professional soccer league
Sunday @JaxArmadaFC owner Robert Palmer will convene a “Division Zero” Task Force meeting in Orlando. Among the topics to be discussed are how a non-FIFA sanctioned league can attract players (pay, benefits, etc) & how to attract officials to a league not under the USSF umbrella.
— Kartik Krishnaiyer (@kkfla737) February 7, 2018
Soc Takes has been provided with a copy of the three-page agenda by a source who is scheduled to be in attendance at the meeting.
The document attempts to address key concerns about playing in an unsanctioned league – such as impact on players and coaches. On the agenda are plans for promotion-relegation as well as the possibility of “league funded, newly constructed soccer specific venues.”
From a player perspective, the conversation does seem to recognize that improved compensation/benefits would be needed to entice players to join the league.
You can read the document in its entirety here:
There are many questions about how interested investors, owners, players, coaches and sponsors will be in this league. And certainly, this league is in its early stages of planning. We will have more answers after this weekend’s meetings, but, Palmer seems to at least be asking the right questions.
Follow Nipun on Twitter: @NipunChopra7.
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