Boycottamo V sweeps Soc Takes’ 2018 MLS Fantasy seasons

Congratulations to savvy manager Tod Modisette for defending his spring title in Soc Takes’ MLS Fantasy league by finishing first in the fall season as well. His Boycottamo V squad beat out the other 108 competitors en route to the fall title.
Modisette also showed incredibly well in the global MLS Fantasy game, winning the spring season as the overall top player and following that up with a top-25 finish in the fall. He joined’s MLS Fantasy Boss earlier this year to dissect his strategy after conquering the spring.
Modisette’s spring and fall exploits earned him two $25 gift cards to World Soccer Shop, courtesy of Congrats, Tod!
Thanks to all of this year’s participants. Be on the lookout for registration information for our 2019 MLS Fantasy league as soon as next year’s game opens.
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