GM blog: Old Bhoys SC to cease operations
A final farewell

INDIANAPOLIS — November is already here. I had mentioned to KJ that I had another GM blog in me… but as I start to type it, each word is harder to get onto the screen. This is the final GM blog for the Old Bhoys — and for me. In addition to the GM and club president roles, I also served as the de facto owner of the club. So fun in theory; in practice, not as much. Don’t get me wrong, running Old Bhoys Soccer Club has been one of the most rewarding soccer experiences of my life. It was way better than playing, to me, but not quite as good as coaching youth soccer. More on that later.
Old Bhoys SC began as an idea almost five years ago. The mission was to connect the existing youth platform to a competitive, amateur side where you can fundamentally represent your club in legitimate leagues and cups. I stress legitimate. The initial goal was to start with the guys and roll in a girl’s side. Basically, what DeKalb County United are doing… so John Hall and his team are executing the original vision I had in late 2014/early 2015, but in northern Illinois. This is a model that can work. But it takes a community to pull together to be together and to love soccer together. If it’s just one or five people, forget it. It won’t work… see Old Bhoys. I have a great core group of people helping me — folks I can now truly call friends — but we couldn’t get over the hump with building a true Old Bhoys community and surviving the financial landscape. And that hurts to admit…
As Old Bhoys SC evolved, it became clear that operating a legitimate men’s side could not coexist in the initial club relationship the team began. Upon becoming independent in the offseason in mid to late 2018, I felt we were turning the corner. There was a ton of work left to do, but any affiliation we may have had previously was removed and I felt that the shackles were off. And in terms of on-field and off-field performance, 2019 was better — far better — than 2018. Unfortunately, the financial, time and energy commitments continued to increase. It’s not prohibitively expensive to do this… but be prepared for next to zero revenue. I was hopelessly optimistic. Resetting expectations in 2019 helped, but not enough to save the club. Copying and pasting the last two years moving forward is not a cure or a model of sustainability. There is a lot more pain and lessons learned during the 2018 season and offseason that propelled the club to independence. Definitely a discussion to be shared over a beer!
So here it is, Nov. 15, 2019. Old Bhoys SC will be shutting down this month. Ouch. Hurts to type.
For those who I’ve met as a result of this project — in person or via social media — and those who have contributed to the club through kit purchases, scarves, shirts, etc., thank you! I sincerely appreciate each of you, your support and you giving a damn about this little club. Talking to people with an Old Bhoys sticker on their car, or bumping into someone who has heard of this club made me realize what it could have been. And what it was.
Prioritizing what I need to do away from the Old Bhoys is what I’m focusing on now. I couldn’t coach and run Old Bhoys. Coaching is something I’ve missed greatly; I still love my players (yes, they are “my players” even though they haven’t played for me since May 2018) and want to reconnect and be a resource for them if I can. I want to return to coaching in some capacity. I’ll always love soccer, and hope to be involved for the next 30 years in some capacity. If anyone has an idea or desire to start a club, I may not be able to tell you how to do it, but I’m game to chat. Better yet, if you have a local club in your community, GO SUPPORT THEM! Buy tickets, merch and meet the coaches, players and administrative staff. Go volunteer! The connection you can build with a club at this level is amazing; one more supporter is felt, known, appreciated and recognized. The power of one person at this level is amazing. If you don’t know where to look, let me know and I can try to connect you!
Lastly, thanks to Soc Takes for letting me do this for two years. I love to share my thoughts on soccer (and more… but I try to keep it to soccer here) and have been welcomed by the group. So, while the Bhoys may fade away from social media and the pitch, they’ll always be something I was a part of — and to those who did it with me (players, coaches, volunteers), I loved it. Thanks.
COYOB forever!
Follow Andy on Twitter: @Andy_H_1980.
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